08 March, 2012


With starting LTHF, working full time, planning a wedding, and renovating a house things are a bit busy at the moment...

If you want to know what I'm up to, please follow me on one of my other sites. A New Map of the World focuses on my life and hobbies, cooking, the wedding and our home renovation.

Let Them Have Faces (LTHF) is a nonprofit that partners with organizations working with victims of violence to help them acquire the resources (supplies & services) they need to better serve their clients. We use the collections to raise awareness in the community about violence and encourage individual advocacy to do something about it.

Take care dear friends...

Until things calm down,

26 January, 2012

Nothing to Say

I heard this Andrew Peterson song this morning. It remains one of my favorite of all time.

In the quiet contemplation, a road trip with a loved one, stuck by the grandeur and humility of the Creator.

"And I don't believe that I believed in You as deeply as today. I reckon what I'm saying is there's nothing more, nothing more to say. 

"And the mountains sing Your
glory hallelujah. The canyons echo sweet amazing grace. My spirit sails, the mighty gales are bellowing Your name. And I've gotten nothing to say,  No, I've got nothing to say." 

When is the last time this humility struck?  The greatest testament to a Creator has to be in the awesome view from a mountain top, or a colorful flower field in the middle of nature, or the creation of the Grand Canyon. I look at the minute detail in a bird or a flower or a sunset and wonder how anyone can enjoy nature and yet deny the existence of the One who made it all. Too often I think that God created much of the beauty in this world for His benefit, we are just lucky enough to experience it too.

In that joy of a Creator is the realization that if he would spend so much time and energy on a magnificent flower in a jungle no human might ever see... How much care and planning did he take for me?

Enjoy friends. Stop what you are doing, listen, and be carried away in heartfelt worship...

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11 January, 2012

2011 Highlights.... Part 2

Last week I started listing the highlights of last year. I got thru June, so now I pick through  the end of the year.
July: D & I went to Eleven Mile Canyon. I had never been before. It was an incredible day! We drove all the way upto the dam, stopping a couple times to take photos. We didn't get in the water, (though there were plenty of people doing that). On the way home we took some back roads.It was fun to explore, to get out and do something new.

August: One of the coolest things D and I did last year was to plant a massive garden at my parents' house. We got tons of veggies from it - tomatoes, squash, pumpkins and carrots. One afternoon I happened to be there and found someone else enjoying our hard work!
September: D and I took a long weekend and went to the Sand Dunes. 2011 feels like a year of things I have never done. It was time first time camping (we had a trailer), my first time to the Sand Dunes. I loved the Dunes, every time you looked at them they appeared different. I want to go back sometime when I can really appreciate the stars - I forgot what they look like without the city lights.

October:  We traveled to CA for a weekend. While we were there D showed me tide pooling. Growing up in the mountains I had no idea what it was. It was incredible to see the ecosystem change because of the tide coming in and going out. I got some amazing photos, but really love this one of the starfish.

November: We took a road trip to Reno to empty out a storage unit. I got to go to Salt Lake City - another first. The salt on the side of the road from the lake is everywhere - making it appear almost like an alien planet. I never realized how massive Salt Lake actually is. We had another adventure when our U-Haul broke on the way back - the wheel broke clear free of the axle while we were doing 60 on the interstate. Fortunately everyone was okay.

December: The end of the year came too fast and brought joys all its own. I got to cut down a Christmas tree with D, something I have not done since I was a little girl. We decorated it in my apartment and began a series of traditions together. Over the course of the month I came to see how I am attaching my life to D's - and that was both humbling and exciting.

Now, onto 2012 and all the adventures to come!

04 January, 2012

2011 Highlights... Part I

2011 was a big year for a lot of reasons. I changed jobs, found love, launched an NGO, moved. Through it all there were a lot of memories I wanted to hold onto. Below are just a few highlights

January: The Rose Parade with my love. I got to meet his family and see the parade. We sat close to the end, four rows from the street. Amazing!

February: for Valentines' Day D took me snowshoeing. I've never been. It was incredible. We were some of the only people out there and had a great time. After we ate a yummy lunch he had packed of grilled sausage, tomato, basic and mozzarella appetizers, and hot chocolate with Kahlua. 

March: My parents built an addition on their home for my grandfather. It was interesting to see the process from start to finish, from a hole in the ground to a home. I cannot imagine "finished products" very well. I do better with pictures and samples, so to watch it all - the floor, walls, support, paint, carpet, fixtures, etc. get added was fun.  

April: I traveled to Buena Vista for a long weekend. It was a pivotal time in the year and in my life. The time gave me the confidence to leave my job, to pursue what I wanted. It was a turning point in healing from Rwanda (and before) and coming to realize I cannot please other people all the time. Eventually I have to be true to myself and through that might find a way of connecting back with God. 

May: For mommy's day we took her mini golfing. She won by a decided margin. I stink at mini golf, but it was enjoyable to do something nice for my parents.

June: D and I traveled to Keystone for the weekend. While we were there, we happened upon a kayaking competition. Unsure what was to come we sat down and took it in. 
What we saw was nothing short of remarkable
(and this is by far not even close to the best run of the afternoon).