About Me

I am a writer, photographer, adventurer & advocate!

I love teaching others about the world and what is happening in it. Opening people’s eyes to injustice, while encouraging them with solutions.

Utilizing a variety of methods, I strive to raise awareness, provide education and encourage advocacy out of a person’s strengths and sphere of influence. I love helping people discover what they are passionate about.

I also come alongside people living their dream and assist them administratively, with event planning, marketing, website design and upkeep & fundraising. If I can manage their backroom tasks it enables them to spread their vision and grow what they are on fire about.

Currently, I am a freelancer assisting organizations with backroom functions.

I recently launched Her Shoes, a program to raise awareness to Colorado Springs residents of the local forensic nurse program and encourage partnership through the donation of necessary supplies for the victims of violence (sexual assault, child abuse, intimate partner violence (domestic violence), elder abuse and human trafficking). Something as small as shoes can dramatically help a victim of abuse, while raising awareness about what is happening in our community.

If you are a start-up or small NGO that needs help with their backroom functions, or are interested in learning more about Her Shoes, please contact me at the link below.

Blessings friends,